Gil Lupu

Leader | Mentor | Public speaker | amateur photographer

Soft skills

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  • Cracking the Code: Nailing Your First Job

    Cracking the Code: Nailing Your First Job

    Alright, so you’ve just finished  the academic jungle or wrapped up your bootcamp journey. You’re armed with your shiny new degree or certificate and you’re ready to tackle the professional world. You start blasting out your CV left, right, and center, but all you hear is crickets. Seriously, How can it be? How come no…

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  • Building THE Best Team – Ever

    Building THE Best Team – Ever

    Over the past 8+ years, I have led several R&D teams, each comprising a unique mix of individuals from around the globe. Despite these differences, I have developed some “best practices” that works for me when hiring my next team member. Before diving in, let me share my basic assumptions (based on real experience): 1.…

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